Forum Week 1

     My name is Megan Carroll, I'm a journalism major, and I have zero photography experience. I live in Lacomb, which is the country outside of Lebanon. I have a cat named Momma who I adopted less than a month ago, and I fell in love with writing when I was in elementary school. I took this class because as a journalist, it's very important to be able to take your own photos to add something to your story, and I need to get comfortable behind the camera.
     My top three goals for this class would be to get comfortable behind a camera, be able to evoke emotion with my photos, and learn how to use the camera settings to my advantage instead of my demise.
     This assignment was very challenging for me because I am used to interviewing people I have at least heard of. In high school, I was editor in chief of the Whirlwind at West Albany, and I knew almost everyone I was interviewing because when there are only 1500 students and staff, you hear about people before you interview them. However, this assignment consisted of talking to random people I hadn't even heard of before. It definitely took some self confidence to be able to step out of my comfort zone and introduce myself to people who were sitting alone. I know that I like to be left alone when I'm sitting by myself because I'm usually working on homework, so I had a hard time getting myself to interrupt people. Once I got passed that barrier, I introduced myself and interviewed my subjects, then I took the photos. It was cool getting to know people around campus because now there are some familiar faces I see when I walk around. My photos were definitely not great, but I feel as though the interviews were pretty well written. Next time, I am definitely going to use a real camera, not my phone, and also use the lighting to my advantage instead of hoping all goes well.
     My favorite part was being able to get to know some people who I would otherwise never have met. I don't have any classes with these folks, and it was cool to spend a couple minutes with random students and hear their stories. Hopefully it made them feel a little more comfortable at school knowing there was someone they knew walking around that they might bump into.


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